
The discharge of Al-Uzzi (copy)

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Tasrif Al-Uzzi

It is printed and published for the first time in eleven written copies

It is one of the most important texts of the exchange that scholars have directed to teach and read. Because this text is easy to display, and good in tabulation and arrangement.

And it is – in addition to that – many examples well cast, explanations have multiplied, and footnotes are available to explain its meanings.

Its author, Al-Allama Al-Luza’i, Imam Al-Zanjani, may God have mercy on him, came in it on the most important chapters of exchange, and he did not take care of one chapter without another, as was the case in some other texts in this art.

And the science of morphology is not one of the sciences that are on the tip of the thumb, rather the people of knowledge want to facilitate and facilitate it.

And it is, as the scholar Ibn Asfour, the expert grammarian and morphologist said about him: “The conjugation is the most honorable and the most obscure of the two parts of Arabic, so the one whose honor shows the need of all those who work in the Arabic language in terms of my grammar and linguists is absolutely necessary, because it is the balance of Arabic. To that only through the conjugation…) to the last of what he said.

Today there is a need for more care for the gentle conjugation books; So the people who present themselves claiming hardship and complaining about bad printing have increased, and meeting urgent needs has become one of the necessities, and this bears the responsibility of specialists from the people of knowledge and the art of printing a great trust.

The book is of the kindness of its size, but it is proof that its author has navigated the language of al-Dhad, so no scholar in Arabic asked it but benefited from it. , complemented the benefits of the lesson.

And I suffice you for a book that has been joined by hands century after century, and scholars have praised it, and its issues and branches are praised.

This edition of ours relied on more than ten handwritten copies, so it was completely controlled, and it was decorated with punctuation marks that are indispensable to the reader of the morphology, and commented on them according to what suits them.

God grants success

Weight 0.150 g

الإمام العلامة النحوي الأديب عبد الوهاب بن إبراهيم الخزرجي الزنجاني الشافعي ( ت 655 هـ )

موضوع الكتاب


رقم الطبعة


عدد المجلدات


نوع الورق

شاموا فاخر

نوع التجلٌد

مجلد فلكسي

عدد الصفحات


عدد ألوان الطباعة


وزن النسخة الواحدة

150 غ

سنة اإلصدار

1434- 2013

سعر النسخة

15 درهما


دار المنهاج للنشر و التوزيع


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